Shaping Inclusive Societies aims at building capacity for leaders across countries and sectors who are striving towards building more inclusive societies. Community building among participants creates a broader perspective on local challenges and builds a strong support network to make our societies more inclusive.
With Shaping Inclusive Societies we are building on the experience of “Integration neu denken”: In 2018, SINGA and the Robert Bosch Foundation got together and asked themselves: How can we pass on our collective experience in working with civil society organizations and the topics of social cohesion and inclusion in an effective manner?
In short: How can we best assist others with achieving the greatest possible impact with their work in the field of integration?
Together we developed a three-part program:
CONSULTATIONBased on a comprehensive analysis of needs, the consultation focuses primarily on the following questions:
How can we improve our impact in the region through our work? How do we make our projects more creative and innovative? How can we actively prevent prejudices and stereotyping? How can we also make integration a vital part of our own organization?
You can also use many of the presented methods in your own team.
It is an all too familiar occurrence. Good ideas and consultations can often only be implemented if the required resources are available. The financial support of € 10,000 per project was allocated for the implementation of the solutions developed during consultation.
Seven projects with different profiles, challenges and talents – offering a huge potential for mutual support in a network with the common goal of improving inclusion. In November 2019, the organizers of the participating projects came together in Berlin to meet Annette Widmann-Mauz, patron of the program and Federal Commissioner for Integration, and to develop joint solutions in workshops.